In order to facilitate the relationship between the owner of the ÁLVARO PÉREZ GARCÍA website (hereinafter LEGAL FIGURES) and users, this Legal Notice guarantees privacy in the provision of electronic services in accordance with legal requirements and informs about the Personal Data Protection Policy, so that users can freely and voluntarily determine whether they wish to provide their personal data through the means made available to them on this Website.
In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002 on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSICE), the data of ownership of this «website» is provided. LEGAL SERVICES, property Mr. ÁLVARO PÉREZ GARCÍA with DNI .: 48558474-T, and domicile at C / Divino Pastor, number 3, CP. 03187, Los Montesinos, Alicante.
This Legal Notice regulates the use of the “website” (hereinafter, the “website”), either with its current name or another that may be attributed to it in the future.
Any person, natural or legal, who accesses, navigates or makes use of this “website” will be considered a “user” when they act for a purpose other than their commercial, business, trade or profession. From the mere access it follows that the user has read this Legal Notice and that she accepts the content of the Web, from the first moment of navigation.